Tuesday, January 31, 2012

God Fills My Void

     Psalm 36:7-9, 'How excellent is thy loving kindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.' 

     'They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house, and thous shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasure.'

      'For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light.'


     What a comfort to know we can be protected under the wings of our Savior. How we can be satisfied, and how God can fill our every longing. He can overflow our void with love, and peace! If that doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will! :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Our Life Is But A Vapor

     It hit me, that reality check ton of bricks. I finally for the first time in a long time stopped and thought about how short my life really is. I was reminded of a little boy, Bryce who went to our church, so full of life, always smiling like he hadn't a care in the world...but he did. He had cancer. It always amazed me how we can go through life and take for granted all the little things that we can do like, brushing our teeth, eating Frosted Flakes, walking out to get the mail. Those are things we hardly ever think twice about, but so often we are blessed to even have the ability to grasp a toothbrush, or eat food without using a feeding tube, even the ability to walk. So I am thankful...thankful and content with the abilities and gifts God has given me...ashamed because I do not use my talents to their full potential, and rebuked because I am to proud to be humble, contrite, and broken. As I look back on Bryce's example, and that of his family's, some things really stood out to me. His parent's willingness to accept and submit to His will, whatever that was to be. They never were angry at their God, for allowing their precious son to have cancer, they never mocked or scorned their Heavenly Father because of bitterness or animosity. They meekly and humbly knelt before their Father and praised the God who gives...and takes away. Romans 8:28 says, 'And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.' All things do work out for good, though we may go through trials there is a purpose and plan, even though we may not know that plan...God is all-knowing and His Will is perfect and just in all it's ways.
     Bryce went to meet His Heavenly Father last year,  June 21, 2011. And oh how I envy him, to see our Heavenly Father face to face! Praising and glorifying the Creator of all, Healer to the sick, All-Powerful, All-Knowing, Caring, Loving, Just, Mighty, Faithful, Trusting...my best friend, my confidant, my caring loving Father who always has the correct answer for everything, my God who sends me trials only to build me up stronger and to have more faith. And I am so thankful he is a jealous God...(you may think.."What???") yes, He is jealous. He is striving for our every moment, yearning for that time with just you and Him, He is hungering for a taste of total complete surrender of your life, He wants your every moments to be filled with His Light and guidance, He is knocking that special knock at the door into your heart and your life...and all you have to do is invite Him in. So don't waste your life on petty things, start living for the only thing that matters...to live, serve, and die for our God.
     And yes, Bryce is sorely missed, and though he did not leave behind a legacy as the world would say...he left behind an example, testimony, and light that will burn in the hearts of those he touched.

    'Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.' James 4:14

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Trust In The Lord

     Proverbs 3:5-6 says, 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct your paths.'

     I found this verse to be extremely evident in my life the past month. To elaborate, I have been studying for this HUGE exam. And it just seemed to be so overwhelming to me, and I was getting so stressed and so worried the closer it came to the test. I seriously found a white hair, and that's hard for me to do since my hair is jet black. Needless to say every time I did my devotions or heard a sermon, it always came up about how we need to cast all our cares upon the Lord for He cares for us. I know now the Holy Spirit was trying to tell me something, I just think that we get to scared or stubborn to listen. I think we all "know" what God can do for us, but never allow Him the chance to work in our live because we always want to do things our own way, and be independent. Once I finally prayed, "Lord, I can't do this in my own strength, it is only by Your power and might I can accomplish anything at all. I give my burdens and cares to You..." 
      It felt like I was in an ocean that was tossing me about taking me farther away from shore, but after I cried out to God, it was like the crashing waves turned into tides of peace and reassurance overwhelming me with His grace and love. There are hardly any words to explain the peace and comfort you feel. I felt like a encased butterfly in my cocoon...warm, engulfed in love. That truly is a wonderful feeling, it showed me how I'm never alone. My God will always be near my side to comfort me.
     To close, I did end up passing my test. Praise God! I'm so extremely thankful. God does answer prayer and give us peace and comfort when we ask and even when we don't think we need it. He is there for us always. :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Another Year Come and Gone

     It is inevitable...the time only goes faster the older you get. Everyone is always saying, "It feels so different for it to be a new year!" I just look at them like they are just feeling the after effects of to much bean dip. For me, the only thing that changes, or rather feels any different is that it takes me another 6 months to try and get used to writing a new year. I did that today...in the doctor's office...twice! Wow, it's only the third of January and I've written that  many times already. Although, it is a good reminder that I'm not perfect. I need that every now and then. Anyway...

     This past year has brought its joys, trials, and the failing times in life. However, my only constant hope, eternal divine peace, is my Heavenly Father. I praise my God who brings me joy and happiness, thankful for  Father who always comforts me in times of need, and forgives me when I fail.

     I adore my God who picks me up when I trip and fall(I do this quite often), and cleanses my wounds, and puts a band-aid on my knee, and knows that this wound will heal with time...although it will leave a lifelong scar. These scars make us the people who we will eventually become. Without them we wouldn't have learned that, doing this certain sin 'does' have its consequences. I guess the phrase, "Live and Learn" really does ring true. I'm just thankful that He forgives me, I know I need it countless times a day.

     I'm looking forward to the New Year, I'm excited to see what God has in store for my life in 2012. I know it will be a wonderful year, because my Heavenly Father is a loving, caring Father. And His Will is always perfect, true, and made just for me...  So bring it on 2012!